We all need it! What really is it though?
I’ve never really thought much about counseling until I started bringing my foster children in for play therapy/counseling. They have to come every two to three weeks. Today is counseling day. K and B both have appointments that will last about 45-50 minutes each. That’s about two hours in the counseling office waiting area. So here I am writing...My biological son attends most of these appointments also. He just plays in the waiting area and doesn’t seem to mind coming at all. I often wonder what’s going through his mind and theirs when we come to these sessions. Do they feel special? Different? Messed up? Right? Why doesn’t Brody need counseling, but we do? Because we all know Brody has some issues!!! Hahaha!! Our Brody is the most intelligent, outside of the box child that we have. Brody doesn’t even see the box from where his “normal” is. So does he need counseling also? In my opinion, we all need counseling!! Who doesn’t? But reality is that he gets counseling daily. He gets it from us, his siblings, his friends at school, his teacher, his hardships, all the milestones he overcomes on a daily basis, church, and Bible stories. He wore a new shirt this morning that didn’t feel just “right.” That’s counseling! K and B have to attend these sessions while in foster care. Their counselor is amazing!!! We all love her. She gives them great coping ideas and talks in private with them, at great lengths, about their situation in general. Beneficial...of course! Will we keep this up once adoption is final? I don’t know?! I feel that so many problems that young people face today is because they’ve never had to cope on their own. We, as parents, run in front of them trying to fix every problem before it gets to them. That’s our jobs, and we want to do better than our parents did. In all reality though, my dad helped me so much by giving me responsibilities, putting me in situations to figure out on my own, and sometimes letting me fret a little before he fixed things! I even attended a few counseling sessions after my parents divorce. Did I learn how to cope there? Hell no! I drew some pictures and talked about feelings. I learned how to cope in my day to day life, just like my kids will. Will they have issues? Oh yes, just like each and every person in the crazy thing we call life does. There was only one person who had no issues...Jesus. And guess what? He died for all my issues and yours!! He, in all his perfectness, died for us because He loved us enough to take on all the “counseling” that needed to be done to help our issues until we can meet Him in Heaven for the ultimate fix! He loves us that much, and He did it all on borrowed time.